The Proposed Booty Call Shield Law*
This is humor folks...don't get your hopes up. But wouldn't it be nice if this was possible?

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Please sign this petition and pass it around -- I'm serious, I ain't playing. In light of the Kobe Bryant's and the "Becky Sue MacSexum's" and Mike Tyson and Desiree (whatever her last name was), I (Tamra) am officially starting a petition to add a "Booty Call Amendment" to rape shield laws which seem to be designed even to protect fake claims.

The conditions to be added are as follows:

1. If you receive a call after 11pm and he wants you to come to his hotel room/home AND YOU GO, this is a Booty Call and therefore, afterwards CANNOT CRY RAPE or FILE A FRIVOLOUS lawsuit at taxpayer's expense to get some money.

2. If you work at a hotel and you are officially off work, and WILLINGLY sneak into the hotel room of a famous and married guest late at night or any time after midnight**, this is a Booty Call. If you then bend willingly over a chair naked, you CANNOT LATER CRY RAPE and THEN FILE A FRIVOLOUS LAWSUIT at taxpayer's expense.

      Section 2a. Incorrect underwear worn to the rape exam, especially the underwear from the man you slept with after the "alleged rape", will automatically classify your rape claim as a Booty Call.

3. If you work at the White House as an intern and proceed to meet the President of the United States at odd, secret locations, these are NOT "romantic encounters". They are instead Booty Calls and you CANNOT LATER claim the married President of the United States took advantage of you.

      Section 3a. "Odd, secret locations" are defined as "under his/her desk in his/her office", "in a closet", "trunk of car", or "not at your house" and "not at his house". All of these locations and similar ones will automatically classify your rape or victimization claim as a Booty Call.

4. Any Booty Calls turned into rape claims or "victimization" will result in the fake victim paying a fine to the alleged attacker and then placed on a new "Do Not Booty Call" List, officially ruining their Booty Call invitations permanently. UPDATE: All phone companies are now adding a FREE "Booty Caller-ID Blocker" service to prevent any Booty Calls to the fake victim once they are placed on "Booty Call Probation".

I mean if the women filing fake rape claims on men don't have sense, at least let the laws apply some sense to what happened and save us all some time, especially air time!

** Thanks to everyone ("the people") for correction on this timeframe. :o)
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Y'all are cracking me up with these petitioner names! (#57, #88, #101 & #122 are favorites!) But keep 'em coming, they're funny! -- Tamra. And keep it decent
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Author: TM Burgess, * "defellava" (for name 'Booty Call Shield Law')
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