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May 22, 2012 10:44pm EST/NYC
This Limbot stopped by, unsolicited, to champion for child predator, George Zimmerman. Like a good Nazi, he patrols twitter to stomp out all things Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman or Rush Limbaugh.
@itamra "waiting trial facts"? Really? Left manufactured its own "facts", tried and convicted long BEFORE evidence came forth. rushlimbaugh
- SimplyGilly (@SimplyGilly) May 18, 2012
I noticed a lot of championing for Zimmerman, but not one of George Zimmerman's fans can answer the following questions with any kind of sense, ethics or integrity:
1. Why didn't Zimmerman wait in his car, especially since he felt a child, Trayvon Martin, was a threat because he was "black and walking""? Zimmerman could have followed the child from a distance, within his car, to see which home he was going to AND then found out why the CHILD was there, and in the process, make sure a CHILD made it home safely, instead of ASSUMING errantly, which led to death of a CHILD.
2. Why didn't Zimmerman wait until the child, Trayvon Martin, actually approach a home and be the hero of the night, instead of exiting his SAFE vehicle and pursuing a CHILD, AFTER being advised by law enforcement to NOT do so?
3. Trayvon Martin is repeatedly called a "black, savage, thug" in Limbaugh circles, but IF Trayvon Martin was white and Zimmerman was black, would the "marks" on Zimmerman suddenly become the marks from a brave, white child (REGARDLESS OF THEIR BACKGROUND) fighting off a "black, savage, thug"? In #tcot world, they want it BOTH ways, or as was said during Jim Crow era: "wanna be right, even when wrong".
4. Is walking a crime? Again, why didn't Zimmerman WAIT to be the hero of the night: either ensure a CHILD made it home safely, OR wait until the assumed "they" attempted an assumed burglary? π
And this was one of "simplygilly"'s conversations noticed immediately, when I previewed its Twitter feed, just before blocking this Rush Limbaugh garbage.
@Official_Hater "half nigger"? There you go again. I gave you benefit of doubt b4. Now I am convinced. Yur an ass incapable of adult dialog.
β SimplyGilly (@SimplyGilly) May 18, 2012
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