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Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.
Author Unknown

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You searched for: "destruction."

Treasonist confederates are low-lifes and domestic terrorists.
confederates are not heroes nor brave men, but the worst of ANY society! Period.
Jun 26, 2015 12:25pm
Cretin domestic terrorist-confederates should have been banned from this country after the Civil War ended. They've provided nothing but hatriotism with mass murder.

USA via nation's oldest domestic terrorist organization, the NRA.
Once again, The Democrats need to use GOP's actual words for sweeping gun control reform
May 26, 2022 8:43pm
Hold GOP to their words! Legislate a bill requiring mental health evaluations prior to gun ownership. Watch how quickly GOP pivots to another excuse, confirming, they are not about safety, but simply rhetoric for NRA lobbyists money.

Poverty: What In The World Happened
What In The World Happened?
Jun 4, 2004 9:52am
After decades of mass poverty, lawmakers representing poorest regions, are wealthiest persons in US.

The Plan by Tamra Cronin
The Plan
Dec 4, 2002 4:32am
The Plan, written at the lowest point of life, when waiting to die after back to back fraud.

Venrock, a Rockefeller Ponzi scheme funding fraud.
Live and Learn, How I Paid For Venrock's Fraud
May 29, 2005 8:15pm
The top of the food chain, Rockefellers and a Ponzi schemer.

That's all, just 5 items found.

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