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Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
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You searched for: "marriage."

Treasonist confederates are low-lifes and domestic terrorists.
confederates are not heroes nor brave men, but the worst of ANY society! Period.
Jun 26, 2015 12:25pm
Cretin domestic terrorist-confederates should have been banned from this country after the Civil War ended. They've provided nothing but hatriotism with mass murder.

Good Wife's Guide From 1955
The Good Wife's Guide
Jun 1, 2004 4:41pm
Good Wife's Guide, Then and Now LOL

Larry Davis BET Documentary
The BET Larry Davis Bronx Tale Documentary
Dec 8, 2008 5:33pm
They made Davis out to be a choir boy, but he would kill a priest. – Donald O'Sullivan

Free money, except for working class.
Venrock.com, a Rockefeller family scandal, but hey, free money for you!
Jun 11, 2008 7:31pm
Taxpayer-funded fraud, bailed out and protected by lawmakers.

Favorite things
Favorite places and things
Jun 7, 2014 1:19pm
Favorite places around the world, and things to do at home.


Commenter: TamraNYC
Commenter's Site:
Comment Date: Oct 28, 2023 1:15pm EST/NYC

😳 😲 Is this true???

https://twitter.com/PaulCogan/status/1522701661277409280 amy blunt mosby ecoptic pregnancy contradicts GOP anti-abortion bills

But wait, can you say government grifters: lobbyists and public policy for finance (who gets what, but mostly "THEM" gets what)!

And, um, who is the adopted son from Russia? Where is that child now?? 😳

From Blunt's first marriage he had three children: Matt, Amy and Andrew.

From 2005 - 2009, Matt Blunt served one term as the Governor of Missouri. Today, Matt works in Washington D.C. and serves as the President of the American Automotive Policy Council. The large auto lobby represents three corporate giants: FCA US LLC (Fiat and Chrysler Automobiles), Ford and General Motors.

Amy Blunt Mosby is registered as an "active" lobbyist in Missouri. 10-years ago she represented a few clients. Today however, she only represents one in Jefferson City before the General Assembly. She has not been to D.C. in three years. Amy currently works for the Bespoke Group, a public policy firm in Columbia that deals with the finance sector.

Andrew "Andy" Blunt is also registered as an "active" lobbyist in Missouri. A well known political consultant, Andy is currently running his father's reelection campaign. Many of Andy's reported clients are involved in the cable television industry.

Blunt's second wife, Abigail Perlman is a lobbyist for Kraft Foods. He married Perlman in 2003 and the two adopted a son together, whom they adopted from Russia.


Favorite things
Favorite places and things
Jun 7, 2014 1:19pm
Favorite places around the world, and things to do at home.

therestchurch and its chosen right to be ignorant
George Soros, Robert Byrd yaddi, yaddi, yaddi
Sep 10, 2016 6:19pm
You can always tell how dumb GOP members are when they resort to George Soros, Robert Byrd rhetoric that even they do not understand.

That's all, just 7 items found.

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