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Ralph Marston

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Hilarious scrapbooking item seen on eBay
Hilarious eBay Item
May 31, 2014 10:00am
Hilarious scrapbooking item seen on ebay back in early 2000s.

Pressler & Pressler ordered to pay $2.5-million for its fraud and deception.
Pressler & Pressler ordered to pay $2.5Million to CFPB for its fraud AND deception!
Jun 16, 2016 1:10am
It took 20-years, but Pressler & Pressler a/k/a Pressler Felt & Warshaw finally got its ass handed to them. So many victims of their taxpayer-funded white collar fraud.

Science vs. The Universe
Science vs. Everybody
Dec 21, 2021 2:43am
Never forget, badgradestrump was in charge as the start of current deadly COVID pandemic. His white supremacy, cult mentality caused him to dismiss the urgency to protect all.

Facebook security checkpoint fail.
End of Facebook Era
Jul 30, 2022 4:58pm
Dishonest, unethical and deceptive practices of Facebook.

The "media" versus Kevin McCarthy, and all of GOP's red-herring complaints about "spending" and "entitlements"
Jan 31, 2023 11:45pm
Certain "media" members parrot Kevin McCarthy, and all of GOP's complaints about "spending" and "entitlements", while overlooking revenue-losing and unconstitutional wealthy tax cuts.

Free money, except for working class.
Venrock.com, a Rockefeller family scandal, but hey, free money for you!
Jun 11, 2008 7:31pm
Taxpayer-funded fraud, bailed out and protected by lawmakers.

Largest taxpayer funded organized crime.
Another ruling against white collar frauds Pressler & Pressler a/k/a Pressler Felt & Warshaw
Oct 21, 2014 8:56pm
Another ruling which determined that white collar fraud predators Pressler & Pressler a/k/a Pressler Felt & Warshaw did not own debts it tied up courts to pursue.

Laws apply to some, but not for others who pay to play.
Your Attorney General is not helping you, but aiding & abetting white collar frauds.
Nov 13, 2014 11:53am
Your Attorney General may not be helping you, but aiding & abetting white collar frauds.

Wow... You Found Me... Again
Oct 15, 2024 8:17pm
Welcome to wild child Tamra's stomping ground, featuring funnies, biography, true stories, consumer fraud awareness, politics, technology, music, history, and other blah blah blah's.

tamra.nyc privacy policy
Privacy Policy
May 11, 2015 7:30pm
tamra.nyc itamra.com Privacy Policy. What is shared and not shared.

Open Letters
Open Letters
Jun 2, 2014 2:32pm
Open letters regarding poverty, crime, community, christianity, jobs and economy

True Story Books
Pulp at tamra.nyc
Oct 15, 2024 8:17pm
True stories, autobio excerpts, t-shirts and more.

Venrock SteelEye Lifekeeper
Rockefeller, Venrock, SteelEye/LifeKeeper Investor Fraud
Apr 16, 2004 2:11am
Featuring the blundering details of various SteelEye Technology-LifeKeeper.com Silicon Valley and So. Carolina executives, funded by Venrock Associates, a Rockefeller corporation. Get to know Rindy Abdelnour, Channler Drawdy, Bob Williamson, Maria Scott, Brian Ascher and other names you'll never forget, but will laugh out loud while getting to know them. Featuring photos, and links to audio recordings of their fraudulent conversations. View product info for more details.

Predator vs Prey
Crime and Punishment: Predator vs. Prey
Jun 4, 2003 9:26am
The predator is protected more often than its prey.

Poverty: What In The World Happened
What In The World Happened?
Jun 4, 2004 9:52am
After decades of mass poverty, lawmakers representing poorest regions, are wealthiest persons in US.

Poverty actually creates profits and mass wealth for lawmakers in America
Paying For Lawmakers' Profits From Poverty
Jun 4, 2004 10:05am
The war on poverty has become a get rich quick and scapegoating scheme at the expense of poor and working class.

The Plan by Tamra Cronin
The Plan
Dec 4, 2002 4:32am
The Plan, written at the lowest point of life, when waiting to die after back to back fraud.

Favorite things
Favorite places and things
Jun 7, 2014 1:19pm
Favorite places around the world, and things to do at home.

Poverty in America
Poverty: Intro
May 29, 2004 5:02pm
Poverty, the gift that keeps Senate and Congressional members wealthy.

Venrock, a Rockefeller Ponzi scheme funding fraud.
Live and Learn, How I Paid For Venrock's Fraud
May 29, 2005 8:15pm
The top of the food chain, Rockefellers and a Ponzi schemer.


Commenter: Tamra Cronin
Commenter's Site: https://www.tamra.nyc
Comment Date: Nov 26, 2022 1:03pm EST/NYC

So now everyone knows: Georgia's Forsyth County area, and almost all but a small section, represented by Marjorie Taylor Greene, IS klan county.

Klan lost its mind after the election of President Barack Obama, and Greene joined team badgradestrump, with confederate pride. AVOID the area. Local non-hatriots should shop outside of the county area, or get items delivered from progressive areas of state and country. Funding the problem will not fix the problem.The area is so vile, there are a lot of blacks, who can, passing for white, and a lot of whites who refuse to get DNA tests, because it will confirm mixed-race heritage in klan county.


The marchers had been marking five years since the 1987 "Walk for Brotherhood" drew international condemnation to all-white Forsyth County. Newspaper accounts describe protesters being pelted with so many "rocks, bottles and mud thrown from a crowd of Ku Klux Klan members and their supporters" that they were forced to abandon the two-and-half mile route. Forsyth County had maintained an unwritten whites-only policy dating to 1912, when white vigilantes lynched a black man and drove out nearly all of the African American residents. The county's reputation as too dangerous for Black folks to even drive through—a courthouse lawn sign in the 1950s and '60s warned "N---er, Don't Let the Sun Set on You" — was well earned. ''I have been in the civil rights movement for 30 years," Hosea Williams, an acolyte of Martin Luther King Jr and organizer of the Forsyth County march, told the New York Times in 1987. "I'm telling you we've got a South Africa in the backyard of Atlanta, Georgia." https://www.thedailybeast.com
Forsyth County today is nearly one-quarter Asian and Hispanic. But only 4 percent of its denizens are Black, in a state where one-third of the people are Black. The county was recently ranked one of the richest counties in Georgia, its grand houses and country clubs obscuring a history of Black bloodshed and standing on sites once occupied by Black churches and homes. That land was long ago stolen from Black folks during a campaign of terror that has been called "the most successful racial cleansing in U.S. history." https://www.thedailybeast.com
Marjorie Taylor Greene's most outlandish quotes—about fire-starting Jewish space lasers and 9/11 fakery—have gotten endless pickup, perhaps because they make her seem like a newfangled breed of far-out crackpot. But Greene's ideas about Black folks aren't innovative or creative, they're just garden-variety, old-school racism. Greene is, of course, a birther who has claimed Barack Obama is a secret Muslim. In a video unearthed this January, she claims that "being in gangs and dealing drugs is what holds" Black and Hispanic men back, concluding "it's not white people." She once stated that there are "white people that are as lazy and sorry and probably worse than Black people," an assessment she probably considers a generous concession. Greene has called Black voters "slaves to the Democratic Party"—racists always love a slavery allusion—and suggested African Americans should be "proud" of monuments to Confederates because they're supposedly a reminder of how far Black folks have come. https://www.thedailybeast.com

Commenter: TamraNYC
Commenter's Site: https://www.tamra.nyc
Comment Date: Feb 19, 2023 10:15pm EST/NYC

Was I right... or was I right??!!

LBJ - convince lowest white man quote

So um low-life confederates just found out they've been the new money-making slaves for Fox News? I guess this is why Faux New needed internalized racists. They were missing a market share (black voters) & assumed ALL were stupider than Hannity/Fox. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/rupert-murdoch-american-citizenship-deport-twitter_n_63f15168e4b0c87f32f1abd2

Fox News has become GOP's political cash cow for ignorance. This explains why today's Strom Thurmond-GOP is against education & equality: they want/need obedience, control, like their fav person, Putin.But what I wanna know: who profited from all the Trump flags, stickers, hats, trinkets, etc., all made in China, by the way? That mofo is sitting somewhere laughing their ass off. Or rushing to space before the 3x losers figure it out.That Southern Manifesto playback gets the #prolife, fake Christian, white supremacist crowd riled up every time. Private jets to Capitol/#J6-riled up, so stupid they believed badgradestrump owned Capitol, all of America, including FBI. https://www.thirteen.org/wnet/supremecourt/rights/sources_document2.html

While America advanced through jobs, education, civil rights & access to technology for more non-whites & women, confederates & Jim Crow benefactors sat around & sold hate & memberships to each other, w/ loyalty pledges. Loyalists are now #J6 convicted fools. Even David Duke had to pay up in court after Charlottesville riot. Duke fell for his own Southern Manifesto/Dixiecrat playbook. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/david-duke-charlottesville-rally-trump_n_598f3ca8e4b0909642974a10

And after all his 9/11 bs, badgradestrump & bad grades Kushner "sold" US to Saudis, because their cash cow Putin is losing faster than Fox News fans sent theirs in! Grifters: "Wait 'til you see what Saudis are bringing in..." More guns, anti-civil rights? Or New USA???But, can you imagine the look on Elmer Rhodes' face as he was convicted, LOLLLLLLL and badgradestrump wouldn't even testify on Elmer's behalf, even to say, "I didn't think he was that stupid, he had a Yale law degree. But he should be locked up, someone read me his list of weapons." Rhodes texted/called badgradestrump as he was going commando on Capitol building, while looking like fools for a con artist that countless NY, FL, NJ, NV, CT living/dead victims of trump warned world about, since the 1980s! Either Rhodes is mentally challenged or just that heartless about badgradestrump's victims, so F him!

And it is hard to run for POTUS as an unknown. Fox News first started cashing in on white supremacists w/ unlimited air time to bad-grades-birther. A literal free campaign to White House w/ literal kkk coming out to vote & run too. $$ came-a-flowing. 'Memba Orly Taitz? And 'memba how much Orly had to pay for her endless birther lawsuits? She bought the Faux News birther product!And Terry Lakin? He bought everything Hannity, Tucker, Beck, Limbaugh, Ingraham, Pirro said or sold. Is this why Pirro was driving over 100mph in upstate NY? She couldn't believe the shit she had to read like a well-paid servant, & needed to scream? But Larry Elder, Juan Wms, WTF?Or is it Terry Larkin? That's how non-memorable these "birther hatriots" are, for a man who can't even show his own grades, or answer a subpoena on 1st honest request. But tell me again about black voters being too stupid? A whole ass insurrection was led based upon "The Big Lie," by persons who applaud live murders.badgradestrump & his inferior intellect fans were outraged that humans/children were upset over an ass clown, trained by Bob Kroll (cops4trump), who wouldn't stop taking a knee on a neck (murder).

Bob Kroll's Jim Crow benefactor legacy: https://www.officer.com/command-hq/news/12215638/minneapolis-police-union-head-calls-black-lives-matter-terrorist-group


Now internalized racist Candace Owens is selling a book based upon the same product: ignorance. Owens needs white Fox New viewers to buy her latest product. But why? She's now married to "royalty," after her first coins came from screaming "Black Lives Matter."



And is this why journalists never called out badgradestrump & his loyalists for their white supremacy? That would be insulting to their klan-ish base, while knowing the rest of us would say, "hey mofo, watch that bs, ok!" Fox News KNEW of #J6 before J6! MO' MONEY, MO' MONEY! Even Twitter & Zuckerberg got paid. And the number of solicitations from black persons, who sounded like Jim Jones cult members, who approached w/ that #walkaway, #blaxit shit! I guess they were trying to say, "come get paid to sell hot air. I need you to fool trump & get paid" And I knew personally of 3 badgradestrump frauds and physical harm to others. Persons suffered hardships because of either not being paid/defrauded, raped as a child, & zoned out for his profits. The man had a whole fake university. 3 card Monty like a mofo!

And, speaking of "groomers," which site or source(s) (TV, print) "groomed" Buffalo Tops store shooter? His parents sure are quiet AF! Were they Fox News fans, while also living in an historic abolitionist area, including w/ John Jay & family. Jay's slapped confederates w/ education coming & going!! The #FAFO Lemmon case was hysterical: so you come into my courtroom, arguing for your slave property, w/ insurance receipt for loss of your, what, "property"?! The persons you are referencing 'loss of,' are in FREE, I HELPED THEM live THEIR best life! fck off, next!"

Commenter: TamraNYC
Commenter's Site: https://www.tamra.nyc
Comment Date: Feb 24, 2023 9:08pm EST/NYC

Omg Donald badgradestrump Jr. is pushing rhetoric almost 24/7. What is going on in his life? Is he keeping up the brand, to milk hatriots, for living expenses, given company's tax fraud conviction? & what does the Gug-something girl do, while he rants bigotry? Applaud? Because I can't see Don Jr. going out and applying for a job. Or does the #TrumpCrimeFamily move to their last banking source: Saudi Arabia, esp. if China, their other banking source, helps Russia. This is what happens when you grift/are owned, rather than own.

Right now, black rappers & artists, who respect badgradestrump, have actually put in more work THAN Trump & his kids, & 2 of his wives. They actually earned their mogul-hood status, while Trump is a fraud & racist. Ain't that some shit?

badgradestrump was literally filing bankruptcies during The Apprentice tapings, while selling his "racism got me started" name as a brand. Even #nyc got hustled byTrump, left holding his debt. The confederate-Vanderbilt bldg grift! #TrumpCrimeFamilyThen casinos, boxing, still badgradestrump was "broke." Because he had no money of his own to start with. You give an actual smart & successful person , an entire generational franchise is created. Trump was trash before, during & after POTUS, but found a cash cow: GOP.And knowing 3-card Monty hustler badgradestrump like #NYC does, Trump, bc he's dishonest, didn't trust GOP, so he sold US to Saudis on his way out, while keeping his fingers crossed for Putin. Now, GOP is promoting national gun, AR-15, while pushing for ONE conservative, fake-christian, regressive culture.

Through Sons of confederate Vets-Strom Thurmond-GOP, bin Laden won!

And then there's Bad Grades Kushner! Can you imagine, Chris Christie having to play nice w/ the son of Charles Kushner? Polly-ticks makes strange bedfellows, in this case, literally!

  1. https://www.alternet.org/2019/03/rich-people-can-buy-their-kids-access-to-elite-colleges-and-it-looks-like-jared-kushners-father-did-just-that/
  2. https://theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/nov/18/jared-kushner-harvard-donald-trump-son-in-law
  3. https://www.nytimes.com/topic/person/charles-kushner
  4. https://heavy.com/news/2016/07/charles-kushner-jared-dad-ivanka-father-in-law-donald-trump-jail/
  5. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/nj-scandal-sex-money-politics/
  6. https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/the-secret-papers-of-lee-atwater-who-invented-the-scurrilous-tactics-that-trump-normalized

Commenter: TamraNYC
Commenter's Site: https://www.tamra.nyc
Comment Date: Jun 6, 2023 9:10pm EST/NYC

listening to a white family member right now, as if they're Forrest Gump, b/c this piece of history really happened in front of them:"I was six (1965), there were all these angry white men outside yelling and screaming w/ tiki torches, bats and more. My father told us to stay down, don't go outside, don't pay them fools no mind."They were yelling "n*gg*rs must be stopped."

So I'm like, what happened in 1965? It should have hit me like a brick given 1964 Civil Rights Act: "now I gotta let them in my school, stores and neighborhood?" <— European migrants who moved here DURING Jim Crow/whites only. Then 1965 Voting Rights Act: "now they're gonna elect black leaders, my family didn't migrate here during equivalent of Auschwitz to be around all these...."

Enter Obama, and out came birther clown, badgradestrump, whose family led racist attacks against non-whites in Queens, as well as promoted "whites only" for profit.And now, Sons of confederate Vets have PACs with countless white supremacists funding PACs! Watch the violence as military started renaming confederate-named bases!

White people 'bout to riot, they don't like being told what to do (bans, segregation, who they can and cannot associate with - same as Jim Crow laws, designed for white male patriarchy first/only). Whites are now segregated and denied, with less rights. But they can buy all the guns wanted! Fort Hood and Fort Bragg already renamed! Two vile confederates, and Fort Lee is next up! https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna83503

And Ft. Hood named after Mexican American too. Low-life confederates still playing chess, while people are literally playing checkers, while paying into white supremacists "family values" PACs - see "blacks for badgradestrump, "walkaway," "blaxit," internalize racist Tim Scott, or whatever they're calling themselves.Y'all be safe: because Jim Crow benefactors are buying guns like crazy around here. One 65-year-old Jim Crow benefactor here in NYC was just arrested w/a stockpile, https://abc7ny.com/queens-shooting-kew-gardens-man-charged-charles-foehner/13332122/, but called hero for shooting non-white at 2 am!! I won't be surprised if he solicited the younger person, or said something offensive, "feeling white man empowered" while armed! When your neighbors, fellow citizens are armed to a tee AND support #J6 insurrectionists, while silent about Con DeSantis as trans kids are under attack, things will only get worse. When they are that open w/ hate and violence... what does anyone think will happen next??!!

But, if they were that crazy in 1965 to protest nationally, no surprise at what hatriots just did to Capitol on #J6! https://youtu.be/3qlylxu7wvc 0:56 mark same words today, while Jim Crow benefactors are banning all that they don't like!But in my family's DNA: fighting confederates, and racism, plus family from Ireland where they were under UK rule, so they know the deal with being complacent with fascism and racism.

Venrock, a Rockefeller Ponzi scheme funding fraud.
Live and Learn, How I Paid For Venrock's Fraud
May 29, 2005 8:15pm
The top of the food chain, Rockefellers and a Ponzi schemer.

That's all, just 21 items found.

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